Early morning flight out so we have a full day of fun in Reykjavik.
Coffee first, then train ride to the airport!!
Yes its a tourist trap, yes its packed full of visitors wearing mud masks and trying not to get their phones and devices wet(yes really they bring all of the above INTO the lagoon) and getting drunk on really sugary and overpriced cocktails at the Lagoon Bar. We used our memory bank for this one. No high priced drinks for us. We are saving our moohlah to go out to a nice dinner for tomorrow!!
The blue water is exquisitely beautiful.
There are plenty of "hot springs" all around Iceland, that are less crowded and far cheaper, but the Blue Lagoon has an allure and energy that I recommend everyone to try at least once.
Or twice in my case. Now to fix some low blood sugar with some Icelandic Appelsin(Orange juice). I think the hot water just zaps the juice right outta ya! And the toxins!!!
Fast food in Iceland is not like fast food in the states. These guys really know how to do up a good burger!! There should be no shame in enjoying a good burger every once in a while. In moderation.
We are pretty happy to be here!!
Time for bed so we can have a great day tomorrow!!
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