03 February 2009

Banff film fest 2009

Its been another year and time for the Banff films to leave their thumbprints on Sitkans once more.

The films that are awe inspiring, packed with creativity and so full of energy as they leave us all with a sense of grace as they fly out of the filmmakers minds and onto the screen before us in such fantastic form.

This will be my fourth year of volunteering in Banff film fest Sitka. And if you couldnt tell I am thouroughly excited about the films we have lined up for the evening!

The radio announcer sounded like he was having a difficult time pronouncing Banff today, if I were there I would have told him "Its okay, it took me about 2 years to pronounce it correctly." I just kept repeating: banff, banff, banff, banff. And then somehow I found myself there in October of 2007. But that is completely another blog event to come.

Maybe soon you too will find youself there! So do not stall on getting your tickets if you havent already and I will see you at the show!!

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