28 July 2011

Day 1 Oslo

I still don't know if I've beaten jet leg......again, I did not sleep even a wink on our +10 hour total flight. I fell asleep last night at around let's say: 19:30 Norway time and was awake by the time Aunt Kat was up getting ready for the day and going down to breakfast which is served from 7:30-9:30. I tell her I will go too (I don't wanna miss breakfast!!!!) but have to take my insulin etc. Only I stumble downstairs of the hostel and she is stumbling back upstairs to tell me its only 5am and breakfast is not ready! WHAT?! Time to change our clocks to the current local time.......

So I guess my first day in a foreign country and I've managed to take my medication early, better than taking it late I suppose. And I've managed to wake up early, this people, is probably a first for me as I love to sleep in! I feel good though! So maybe those crazy few days of getting up at midnight are actually paying off.

Too much walking already, 7 miles yesterday, and my pedometer that I am wearing for a work exercise will not roll over for another 4 hours because it is(and will stay) on Alaska time. It'll average out...

Was HOT (well 70 degrees) when we deplaned, and clear and sunny. Within 5 hours of getting here and we were picking up a few groceries in a busy little oriental feeling market and it began raining! Not just raining, I swear it was like October in Alaska, pouring buckets!!!! I am reading a book called the art of racing in the rain, well we can surely relate today. And our coats were, of course at the hostel.

Statues everywhere..... Off on another day to go take more photos!!!!

- Posted from Oslo using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. So my time clock is a bit off, I'm running on adrenaline,

