18 March 2010

Not all those who wander are lost?

Why does it take 2 wrong boardings, 1 missed stop, accidental quizzical gaze crossings with strangers (who then in turn glare back, clearly sending the absolute message that unwanted friendliness must DIE!!!) just to come to the already known conclusion that I am no good at traveling on buses. Period. I was not born with this particular talent and it appears to be one not easily learned by me. J.R.R. Tolkien must have been better at bus riding.

But this cannot be MY fault!! I was raised in a small island town where we didnt have a community bus until 2005. And even then there are only 2 routes (if you get it wrong the first time, dont worry, just stay on the bus for a while- eventually it will head back the other direction and (about an hour or so) you will arrive "unscathed" at your destination.

City traveling, however, takes you down yin and yang street and sores and boils avenue, until you are utterly and disparagingly: lost. My point and the finale of my rant, Im not a city girl.

Good thing I was at least born to be a good wanderer.

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