01 March 2010

Dear Diabetes

Dear Diabetes,

This March marks the 20th year we have been together. Wow. Who would have thought we would have made it this far. We have been through so much, some challenges, some pain, plenty of finger pricks, and doctor visits, but mostly a whole lot of learning on how we can be healthier by working with one another.

Sometimes I do feel like giving up and kicking you out to the curb. I admit you sometimes make it hard on me, especially when all I want is to consume an entire pound of chocolate. And through trail and error I see that a small piece of chocolate- and in moderation, is a good compromise for feeling good and having enough energy to understand why you chose me to be your host body.

I have learned that regularity in exercise is THE BEST medicine for most ailments. Although keeping a positive outlook helps a great deal as well.

You have helped me to pick out the best possible friends to surround me when I need a little extra compassion and help. And even in times of crises, they still stand by me.

You have helped me by truly appreciating my parents. Because even though other people also appreciate their parents, I know what mine have gone through for us. Often I think about what they had to witness their 7 year old going through 20 years ago, god they sure have been brave.

I want to thank you for enabling me to be a healthier, conscientious person. And to be able to teach those around me that living with Diabetes does not have to be a negative life sentence. And to keep educating me. Every. Single. Day.

Please keep teaching me, because I enjoy this life immensely.

Sincerely, Me.

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