21 December 2008


Its insanity I tell ya.

Every year over a hundred zany people congregate together for the annual polar dip here in Sitka.

This year was no exception despite the ultra chilly air temperature of about 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Once you have charged full scale screaming intently into the sea you crawl dripping out of the salty bath and realize as your clothes first suction onto your drenched body, and then begin to freeze to your skin, that is when you think THIS IS INSANITY!!

Maybe staying in the water, a mere 37 degrees, is the better option. However waiting just up the boat ramp is Harry Race owners Dirk and Trish White have donated delicious hot chocolate to the event. They walk around with trays filled with the satisfying concoction handing them out to those who look in desperate need of some extra warmth and maybe even a smile or two.

As for myself I am a land lover. No dripping, cold, tough Alaskan rituals will do me justice, I find ways to prove myself in other (much drier)ways. This is my second year volunteering to help out with the hot chocolate. And that is where I belong, next to the chocolate. Yum.

And if that is not enough Sitka community hospital has set up a warming tent. Ahhhhh so much better! Now all of you silly people need to go home take a hot shower/tub and get some warm dry clothes!

But first dont forget to claim your complimentary Christmas ornament and most importantly your documentation signed and stated by a qualifying psychologist that you are certifiably insane. Not that you need any proof........ but really your mommy would love to hang something like that on that wall in the living room, remember Christmas is just around the corner.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

15 December 2008

A very pregnant proposition

Remind me to not take lunch at lakeside in the future will you!?

So I was on my lunch break this past Friday and usually I go home to eat but I was trying to save time so I could also run a few errands and needed an item at the grocery store anyhow.

I park and step out of my truck and see an acquaintance coming towards me, which I realized I had parked directly next to his vehicle so the timing is probably my fault.... he is a man who has lived in Sitka for a while and I know him from around town and from when I was previously working at the gas station. Small world yes I know, by now I should be prepared to encounter other people on my secret little island.

I regularly harass him and he likes to return the favor (as with a lot of the gas station patrons on those particular morning shifts) So he walks up to me and asks "have you been out dancing lately?"

To which I reply "Well kinda, Ive been to my dance classes and contra dancing last week, but not out to the channel club like last month."

"Well are you dating anyone?" He asks me, I believe he is digging for information about a certain someone I had been dancing with (who I would thoroughly enjoy running into and going dancing with again! Wink wink)

"No one in particular," I say to him "but what do you know about_____" (the certain someone)

"Hes a good kid, I know his brother and sister, and his parents of course. So you're not dating anyone?" Says he.

"Nope, no one special." says me.

"Do you want to go out dancing sometime?"

"Er..... dont you have a girlfriend?!!" My warning lights are turning yellow.

"Oh yeah but you know thats off and on. Im not sure about that. Its something that Im sure Im unsure about, you know."

My warning lights are now turning red. Continuing on he then says "do you want to have babies?"

My jaw drops. "N-o-t realllly....." I slur a tad bewildered. "werent you married? Why didnt you have kids when you were married?"

"I was married twice and moved on because they didnt want children." He replies. "My girlfriend now has already had em and doesnt want to go through all that again."

Now my red light is flashing wildly as my jaw hits the pavement. Was I really just propositioned for pregnancy in the lakeside parking lot on my lunch break?!!

And how the heck are you supposed to back away from the middle of a conversation like this?! The most shocking thing to me was not what the topic was about but in fact it was the age of the man who is actually older than my father.

The fifty seven year old man who was nonchalantly discussing a matter that is usually an extremely personal conversation that I havent even had the chance of having with someone special in my life as of yet.

I guess you get to a point in your life when you just have to put it all out there. Otherwise you never know what you will get.

Then he tells me before I wander off to fill up my shocked stomach... "well, if you change your mind....."

What can I say life is not dull here in Sitka Alaska. No way nuh uh.

29 November 2008

Sweet November?

Everything seems to happen to me during the month of November, and I dont mean like in the movie Sweet November. How Charlize Theron plays a cute and humble yet nontruthful, ulterior motives, leave you while you pine because those are the rules type of woman.... No no no my life is not lived at all that way.... unless you call my abnormally high expectations overly dramatic.

Big things seem to happen to me each November:

*I bought and moved into my trailer in November
*I was promoted in a job in November
*I went to Australia in November
*Had my wisdom teeth yanked out in November
*Got a boyfriend in November
*Lost a boyfriend in November
*Road tripped in my recently bought truck to Banff Canada in November
*Was hospitalized for a horrible infection in a gland in my throat in November.

Im sure Im leaving lots out and all this didnt happen in this current year but that is just an idea of some of the life altering events that have happened to me throughout Novembers of my past. Is it conspiracy?

November, sweet November. Perhaps there is something in the placement of the stars in that exact year, month, day, second, who I am, who you are, how the molecules are reacting to the current weather conditions of why these actions take place in November.

Maybe our brain patterns kick into high gear, right after settling down from summer fun but before we settle into hibernation for the winter. Something in November kicks out a work order to get er done! Or it could just be my brain patterns, and I just seem to notice more things happening during this time of year.

Ever moving, never idle and the current thought floating in my gray matter is: Wow, it is already November! Perhaps Charlize Theron knows something that I dont about all the Novembers out there. So while I'm not planning to be dating a man a month to teach them what they need to learn, but instead to learn and teach myself how to take risks and see things for what they really are is the true lesson about November.

What will next November bring?

23 November 2008

Dear dear Abby

Do you ever find yourself tempted to whine a little bit to dear Abby? Not many annoyances end up irking me so much as to give me a need for an an outlet so that others may hear my plea, but I must admit greatly annoyed I have been in recent times.

In accordance with true dear Abby style we will call man #1 Richard. Richard is my landlord, oh no you say a landlord story. Well as a tenant in my neighborhood I do my duty to pay my rent in a timely manner, follow rules to the best of my ability and keep to myself most of the time. I have always gotten along nicely with "Richard" but in the last eight months have taken on a new job. A job I like, a job I am good at, a job that is mine.

Lately every single time I encounter Richard (to pay rent, or just at the local coffee shop) he dives straight into a particular conversation about: when I applied for that job 10 years ago (and didnt get it) they told me I needed a college degree.....blah blah etc, this conversation can drift along for a good 10-15 minutes if I dont bat my eyelashes and politely excuse myself all the while brimming with irritation with the smile that is fakely plastered onto my face.

And Richard isn't the only one! Into the story comes "Ned" I'm not sure what Ned does for a living but Ned seems to have an intuition (oh I left an important part of the story out, I have "routes" that I do different times during the month) Ned has the uncanny ability of knowing exactly when I will be in his neck of the woods. Ned greets me, and it would be cute if he didn't also slip into the reminiscent ploy of: when I applied for that job, they told me I wasn't fit enough.....

Yes you have to be fit to obtain my job, yes you have to be smart to have my job, yes you have to know how to deal with lots of people who you will encounter with my job, but I might lose my head if I don't find an alternate way of keeping myself from screaming at these guys: ITS NOT YOUR JOB ITS MINE!

Most likely I will not end up sending this little outburst to the dear Abby column in the near future but oh doesn't it feels better to rant and rave about it. I really am not looking for someone to give me hints at how to solve my own dilemmas, I just wanted to give a little shout out to all the Richard's and Ned's in my world. Maybe a little ego statistical but: I see you guys, and the job is all mine.


17 November 2008

Where is my sunshine

Why is dating in Sitka so frustrating?

Well for one thing population could be problem number one, 8,500 people. Divide that in half (only assuming that half the population is male and half the population is female) thats 4,250. Half of that number is most likely kids (under the age of 18) so that brings us to um.... 2,125. My personal estimate out of that number of people who are out of my age range (aka over 35 in my opinion is in a different phase of life therefore surely trouble) is probably divided by 2 once again. Which brings us to 1,062. Out of those 1,062 guys Im going to guess that one out of every 4 already has a girlfriend, wife or significant other. So where in the heck are these 265 guys who are not taken. With my luck out of town in college.

Or worse, problem number two is the ones that are here are druggies, alcholics, or both. The sad statistics of living in a small town on an island. Sigh.

No wonder so many girls in town are scooped up by coast guard guys. Not to put those girls into a category, I mean who wouldnt want a man who has a job, is clean looking, driven, has goals, has had a great education with more possiblities awaiting them? Of course most of these qualities come with the side effect of big ego. No thanks. Not to write all "coasties" of my list, as I am sure there are some great ones out there- but once again my point of they are already taken rears its ugly head once more. Plus moving shop every four years is not exactly attractive to me. Double sigh.

The dating scene here leaves one with something to be desired. Point blank, most people cannot define the word "dating." Here dating turns into something a tad more serious, somewhere along the lines of boy/girl friend and sharing the same straw/schedule/bed within the week of starting to "date." To me dating is simply getting to know one another. With the possibility of more potential as time trots on.

I am in love with living in Sitka. But truthfully it is also a place where loneliness can be an unwanted stalker. No matter how many corners you cut and duck behind, I dont think it grasps that you are trying to be evasive. That you fill up your time with fun outdoorsy stuff, and cooking delicious meals, teaching yourself new and exciting hobbies, maybe even devouring a tasty novel with a nice soothing cup of sugar free hot chocolate.

But the stiffening loneliness is still there, waiting to jump you from behind and suck the potential kisses you could be giving out. Lingering if you even think about snuggliong and curling up with all the warm desires and dreams we seem to develope throughout the bone chilling winter. Finding us while we explore our opportunities to share those delicious meals, to read a story aloud with and to explore a new hobbie or two if time allows. To create our own traditions and smile and giggle and laugh until the sun shows up where you least expect it. To do all the outdoorsy things which make southeast Alaska worth living in.

Dating is still Frustrating. Tell me it isn't wrong to want someone to share all of these unspoken energies with. Tell me it is all worth it. I know my sun is out there.

15 September 2008

To the top......of Mount Edgecumbe.

August 11, 2007
To the top......of Mount Edgecumbe.

We were indecisive about getting on the boat. We knew we wanted to go. But we were unsure if we had it in us to make it. Mountaineers thrive for opportunities such as on this grey dewy morning. We however remind each other if only with a sideways glance that we were not born such mountaineers. Rubbing sleep out of our eyes, sipping our coffee and making a mess out of our tea, we light heartedly endure the choppy ride to Kruzoff where the boat spits us out at Fred’s creek cabin.

The first man off the boat sinks his tennis shoes so deeply into the saturated sand, it makes the rest of us grimace. We bend over to silently remove our socks and shoes as we roll up our pant legs as far as they will allow. We can only imagine how the physical side of his hike will be beginning.

Once stable on the soggy beach, a gritty chill enveloping our toes. We wipe off our digits the best we can of scratchy particles and struggle to put our socks back onto our now clammy, sticky wet skin. Ooohh this should be lovely. We settle into smaller groups as we rearrange our packs and the first thing someone points out is the huuugge set of bear prints sunk into the sand just below the tide line. Fresh I'd say, and look there, baby prints not too far from them. Hehehehe did I forget to mention Kruzoff has more bears per square mile than most other southeast islands? Yep, if that wasn’t on my mind before....we have plenty to make noise about now.

We set off in a group of about 20 people. Through the spruce trees and salmon berry bushes that look inviting but I plan on savoring that idea for later if we have the time. Joanna and I very near the front of the pack as we pop out into the first pools of muskeg. The grass draping along the boardwalk dampening the fabric of our wear and I must say the tops of my socks! Although its not seeming to bother anyone else.

We bounce, step, trounce and lightly tread on the slender boards. The walk was built in 1993 by the Civilian Conservation Corporation. At 3,201 feet (976 metres) to the top, about 7 miles each way. With the last 10th of a mile of course being the most dificult to acsend. It is a fairly well maintained trail. One that you can really enjoy the heightened sense of being “in” the muskeg. The salty skunk cabbage air infiltrating your nostrils along with a somewhat humble feeling, even though a smell you most definatly don’t care to carry home with you.

An even more humble emotion enters the present state of mind as we individually pass over a very wet paw print so meticulously stamped on the boardwalk we are currently stepping over. If the bear could write a statement that we are not in our own territory and should make haste in deciding to press on, this is how it would be done. Bear language embossed with a kiss of moss and lichens, and sideways glances into the surrounding trees for watching eyes.

Im not claiming we are tough. Im sure we both have our kick ass moments, this turning out to not be one of them as we lose our forward momentum when we look up to the first set of grueling stairs. Yes the first of many. About three quarters the way up I realize my lungs are not fully awake yet. How can this be, the coffee seemed hot enough when I poured it down my throat about thirty minutes ago. I step off to the side. Only to see that Joanna has followed suit, taking a seat next to me on the log so rain sodden it looks as though it may never dry out. We watch as our mouths puff out moisture into the cool morning air until about half of our party passes us dispersing like the mini clouds of our breath. Well at least we are in this predicament together!

We trudge on, only to make it about twenty minutes and take another rest. A look around assures us that we cannot see a soul behind us nor in front. A silence I do not mind at all. I remove my shoes and shake out the sand which has accumulated. Ah now doesnt that feel better. Almost like that feeling that if you never knew about life would surely continue on, but because you are aware of it makes it that much sweeter. Hmmm a feeling much more difficult to explain than to simply experience. I demurely think about how to put this feeling into a few simple words while I rummage in my pack between my legs and start to munch on one of my peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches.

I sit here and think about the focus of our friendship. Over the last year we have grown apart, distant in our methods of communication. Being here, precisely in this moment where we are forever gazing dreamily toward our futures while moving in our own stubborn directions. Love and friendship is slightly similar to working towards the summit of a mountain. Perhaps our friendship is in need of redefinement..... would that quench the immensity of why we feel adolescence has drifted away. We are adults, when did this happen!?!

If she needs time away I will not ask her to stay but I do not want to lose this woman. Underneath it all we have been through nearly fourteen years of learning together and our grip on this should be tight. I do not plan on ever letting that go. In our own paces we cannot be less confident, successful, or beautiful. And my only hope that we can be no less than a role model for each other. Learning as we go that whatever may be thrown our way, is to never let go.

May we live thousands of miles apart I know I could still sit down with her and begin to giggle over our youthful encounters with our furry button eyed stuffed animal creatures we commanded once upon a time. It is not lost. It is right where we left it. Sitting on the beach in our minds only we know of in southeast Alaska.

This excursion together could be the bridge to the gap which can only be fixed by awareness and will. Alot like while stumbling up this next flight of steps of being strongly aware of the weight of an apple redundantly bumping into my lower back, step, step, bump. Step. step, bump. Persistent in asking to be eaten. Must be patient and wait for lunch I remind myself. Just as patience will be necessary to smooth out our minor inconsistencies, much like my misbehaving strands of hair or the dirt which is acquiring beneath my fingernails.

Thirty minutes later, we take yet another pitiful rest on our achy legs and claim that we are really taking a picture break, and oh my look how far we have come already!!!! Then our excitment drops a few degrees as we turn and scope out the progidious hill before us and exclaim, oh but look how far we have left to go!! The landscape is diverse. We have been through valleys, and hand built bridges over streams, been engulfed in muskeg and hidden ourselves in the dense alpine, and the day isnt half over yet. What will come next? The sun is shining brilliantly, a better day could not have picked, in fact a little trickle of sweat is playing delicately at my hairline. Are we going to make it to the top? We have made it this far with plenty of huffing and puffing, and know there will surely be more to come. We converse for a moment about what each of our expectations are and its pretty clear that although we would love to make it up to the very top, we first are going to make it to the tree line then decide if we continue on. If we dont make it today we dont want to crush our hopes of ever attempting this feat again.

A journey such as this one to the top of mount edgecumbe is not an extremely difficult one, definatly not a trek to killimanjaro. This hike takes a good eight hours, and the average hiker would have minor trouble, and we are feeling a little run down. We have been inclining about 4 hours now and the tree line is within sight, in fact we spy between a clearing in some trees ahead a few indistinguishable bodies. Some of our party? Perhaps, although it looks to be about 20 agonizing minutes ahead of us. Well what do you say we end our mini break and make it up to our first goal? But first... let us take a picture of our progress. Three pictures later and we are laughing so hard my eyes are watering. We cannot keep our eyes lids open long enough to take a successful picture in the bright sunshine, but we are in great spirits and the one we finally got shows our true ability to take something we are struggling with and still be able to laugh and have a grand ol time together.

As higher and higher we step towards the top, the clouds surrounding Kruzoff seem to be dispersing. Making the day clearer and my face becomes even more red by the second. Is it warm for Sitka? I think its much too warm. I yank at my already rolled all the way up pant legs and sigh wondering why I didnt think to bring shorts. Take a sip of water, and laugh at Joanna as she slumps half heartedly against a tree. What an actress, I snap another photo.

FINALLY we plant ourselves on the warm ground just past the stone marker at the very spot our goal was centered around. The elevation rises to 3,201 feet (976 m) above sea level, seven miles steadily rising til you get just under the tree line. Then not so steadily increasing until every measly step becomes work on your lungs/calves/thighs/body. The marker had some important information and some history on Mount Edgecumbe which not so surprisingly my tired brain cannot remember while I sit here contemplating this. Does this mean there will be a return trip. Too soon to tell.

Here how about a fruit leather, would you like raspberry or peach? Voices we hear and we turn our heads to the direction of the sound and approaching through the trees is Cara and Elsie with their familiar faces. Don't stop now ladies, Cara says, not much farther! She keeps trudging on, I look to Joanna who is already looking at me, chagrined smile playing at her lips. Tiredness, eagerness, maybe a little of both. Too hard for me to tell. The sweet smelling, inviting, earthy grass which in every essence is saying: stay, take a breather, a little snooze, you have time. But really I know we do not. If we are going to do this.... so I push and stand up on legs that are already quite hesitant about this instantaneous movement. But really they have no choice, I am right now picking my options, drilling into my tired head that I will make this summit today.

Joannas legs seem to not be telling her the same things, she hops right up, or at least that is what my mind is deciphering. Chatting away with Elsie, who falls back easily into our pace (maybe her legs are groaning/whimpering just a smidgen too?) And we begin our final trek. A 10th of a mile of what already seems like HELL!!! So we work out a system, a method more like it. Every ten steps we take, we earn a break. Yes earn, I remind you I am now attempting my best to trick my legs and feet to continue with their forward momentum because somehow my oxygen deprived brain DOES want to reach the top. Now more than ever.

Wooden poles have been pounded into hill to line the path all the way to the top, but wait a second, the hill is so round you cannot see the top, the poles just seem to...dissapear. When you are done scrambling to one pole another pole kind of just pops into the last ones existence! It is like the neverending story my mind screams! I look over my shoulder and sure enough it is not straight down in some places we are actually crawling up the rotund side of the mountain. My anxiety grows thinking about the trip down.

I have now lost count of the tedious poles who just stand there looking at us as we scramble up the scree. You would think they would offer us a rope or SOMETHING! But the sign on the way up asks that you do not follow any one path to extend the life of the plants (what plant wants to live on the side of a volcano) so do not follow the person in front of you- even though that is exactly what your tired brain wishes to do. We spread out and weave back and forth on our separate treks, 10 steps at a time, until the grass thins out and now our shoes are looking for traction in the loose stones. So much of it goes rolling out from beneath us that we strain to look if there in any bodies taking the brunt of the flying pumice beneath us.

Oh my, what is that. A boulder. Or a rock but the size of one that has a grounding on semi flat looking surface. Thank friggen heavens because my legs are so tired. WE MADE IT!! TO THE TOP!!! I feel like I could scream, but we make our way over to the few other people who are eating their lunches and collapse on the ground that isnt in an upward slant any longer. We dig through our bags, and eat, and toss items to each other because nobody wants to give up their sitting position for the time being and chatter away about our fortune with the weather. One of the people in the group calls time and temperature and relays the information that it is 72 degrees!! It is a bit windy now that we are on the summit but did I mention how we could feel the heat on the way here?

I pull on my longsleeve shirt, although for how windy it is I realize it is much too thin for the top of a volcano. We eat all that we can of our heavy items as we desire not to have to carry them back down with us, look into the crater where a pool of water is lounging at the bottom. A few people have chosen to hike around the rim of the crater- which takes about half an hour. We go to the far end of the summit and take a few photos of "the other side of the mountain" which we dont get to see everyday but appreciate all the same.

We dont have long up here when we notice everyone is kind of assembling into a group, we approach as people begin to trickle back down. We hold back a few minutes and Joanna gives us a demonstration of some rarely seen mountain pole dancing, yes she is swinging and smiling and gyrating and being her goofy old self as we all snap some photos to black mail her later with. Then our turn to descend is at hand and so we begin with timid steps. We are not built to be mountain goats! Then some sliding. Then some out of control sliding that I do not relish one bit. What will happen if my body cannot withstand this movement. I would rather be going up- yes it was difficult but this is three times harder on my legs!!! Every step pounds my feet harder into my shoes. My toes are crying and I still continue to pick my way down. I tell myself it will be over if I can just make it down these forsaken tumbling stones- logic dont you think!?

We reach the grass but still find minimal traction, and begin to slide on our butts because although we are aquiring grass stains, our legs decide they are exhausted, wobbly and sliding is easier to manage. It is a timely method and seems to be working well, until one of the party who is sliding in this manner realizes there is poo all over her hands. Ugh, deer poop in fact! There is still some snow off to the right of us and as I look over a few people are sledding down. But in my opinion much too fast!! Zip, there they go already at the bottom where the trail dips back into the trees.

As we are the last to come down off the scree everyone has assembled into a long line as they wait for everyone to get down safely. Finally I plop down and rest my poor limbs. But not for long because we start off to the trail once again as we have spent 5 hours here and have to meet the boat back at the cabin in about 3 hours. So here we go- AGAIN.

This time we are in the front of the group as we thin out into smaller packs. Joanna and I making good time as we look around and realize that there is one more pair of feet marching back to the beach with ours, much to Joannas dismay. She has only known this person a short time and some of the actions remind Joanna of a younger version of herself which she understands only a little too well. A level of uncomfort that you peel away in your teenage years like an aged yellow onion, some of the memories stinging your senses, not too mention some which made you cry.

Restimulation in its ultimate form of middle school self awareness, confidence levels, and many social anxieties that as you grow you learn to leave behind. In my mind I think this is good for Joanna but I dont tell her this at the time. As she sits here reading that now I remind her that she one of the bravest women that I know because she gave this aformentioned person a chance and I believe they get along quite well now..... see it WAS good for you!!

We come to the 3 sided shelter which marks the halfway point (about 3.5 miles from the beach) and decide to take a bathroom break, there are signs to a "toilet" but I figure what the heck are we not in Alaska? While to other two use this so called "porta potty" (which is just a hole in the ground which never gets emptied) I pick my way around twigs and bushes to a place between two trees and relieve myself there. Just as good. There are pesky gnats or "nosiums" hovering around our heads, they were not a bother on the way up but now they seem to be very very hungry, I think as I swat one away from my face. Its the 72 degrees I tell ya!

Trodding heavily we begin to recognize the path as we near the shore line and dip into a more brushy area (where the grizzlies like to hang out) and emerge 30 minutes later to where the trail starts right behind the cabin, ah relief. We drop hard onto the beach where a few people have already staked out thier patch of sunshine, but we soon realize that as the sun goes down and the boat is still not here to deliver us back to town, we must follow the sunlight down the beach to stay warm now that we are no longer moving.

I remember the berries which looked so enticing on the way up, but can not talk myself into another adventure for the time being. At last the boat appears and because of a higher tide than the morning can get closer to the beach, they drop the gang plank down and we file one by one back on board. There is not much talking. We are that exhausted.

We are also hungry. The moment we get back into port we go to pizza express. I ravenously order a delicious cheese burger and french fries but by the time it gets to us, I am not so hungry any more. I pick at my fries but end up taking my burger to go. Maybe I will save it for breakfast. I do not think Ive ever been so exhausted than I am too tired to eat!!

The next day I did eat my burger for breakfast. Cant complain because my limp body did not wish to fix anything, in fact I was sore for 4 days, grumbling and whining, and barely able to pull myself into a truck, but talking about our trek to everyone I ran across nonetheless. It was well worth it and must secure another nice day in the undetermined future. Im still not claiming we are tough but damnit we did just climb 3,201 feet and back in 8 hours!

There are too many good mottos in life to pick just one, but the moral of this particular story: Get out of the bars and GO CLIMB A MOUNTAIN!!!!

26 July 2008

Do YOU think you can DANCE?

Just look at that floor.
So open. So inviting, yet also completly and utterly daunting. I want to lay upon it with my arms above my head and just breathe. In. Out. In. This wood that has seen so many feet. The grainy oak designed so that no splinters could be potentially harmful to my bare modest feet. A studio, devoted to dancing. How am I honestly supposed to fit in here.

I am standing in this here room because I have decided to dance. Simply that. A strange, timid place that I cannot actually touch. So I close my eyes and center my thinking to only what is happening now inside of these reflective walls. I sense the smooth melody as it invades the contents of my bones. The music that earnestly feels as though it is touching the pulse of my world. Connecting the equilibrium of winter into spring and leading stress away from my sorrowful shoulders. I begin with a step. And then another. Would I dare to call this dancing. I dare to call it dancing, and you know what....I absolutly love it!

My body is a tool. I stretch, far, farther, the farthest Ive ever reached before. The blood moves fiercely throughout my toes as I sweep across the room. This room that at this moment is my one topic of discussion. No other stress prying into my brain. A path of communication to an entirely stable emotion. Needing no sound like in the artificial manner that humans tend to take for granted to convey expression. I open my insecure eyes and look into the relentless wall of mirrors surrounding me.

I feel demure, coy, shy, and immature on this broad floor with all of these distinguished dancers enveloping me, trying to emmulate them to the best of my ability and knowledge life so far has given me. Into its mirror that I watch my own reserved form as it silently crouches, pauses and tentatively approaches a place that balance may just tilt a bit too much and land square on the floor with a bruise if taken too far beyond its experience.

Wait a darn second. In a rush I can not only see myself but I can feel myself as a whole. Here I am. I too am a dancer, if only a newborn dancer. Molded into the body which is my own, as it defends the upright dynamics of a day to day struggle. For it is only the capacity of our minds that is so relentless to tease our fragile spirit. I smile at how liberating a movement can enunciate its way into your thinking. For this euphonious moment I am in, even if I try my will does not attempt to walk away. To only describe does not emit enough justice to this lyrical feeling. To keep dancing is always the next step. Whatever is happening to take the time to not doubt what you enjoy is crucial.

What are the steps you must take to get to where you are headed. So tell me, do you think you can dance?

14 July 2008

Lost lady

I feel I must resemble the lady that is lost, immersed in the stale mottled greasy clothes of her delinquent lovers. She finds comfort, security, calm in keeping this odd assortment of garments that she hopes will one day prove that she did not love in vain. The lines on her face tell all the stories of her deliciously ancient experiences. But for now she has nobody to indulge. She thrives in her own drowning imagination. Should she let it go. Could she let it go. Let go.

Still she goes to bed wearing her past lovers moth holed webby plaid stained cloth.

27 June 2008

Love is exceptional

I am at a cross road.
What do I want, I ask myself.
I am lonely. I want companionship.
But I do not want to feel stuck. Or hopeless. Or desperate. Or be unhappy.
So I continue to push love away.
For fear.
For fear of getting hurt.
For fear of hurting someone else.
It has never been worth it to me to grasp onto a relationship long enough to make something out of it.
I have been in love.
But I let that go out of fear as well.
Pity to me. Is that how I plan to live life.

I am alive. I am determined. I am confidant. I am a powerful spirit. I am intelligent. I am outspoken. I am passionate. I know what I want.
In everything except love.
How did I turn love into an exception?
Love should not be an exception. There should always be an exception for love.

Love is exceptional.

11 June 2008

Acerbic Strength

Acerbic strength

We all have obstacles we must overcome. Mine is sugar. Sugar will try to kill me one day. It has already told me so.

Sugar talks to me. Sugar tells me all day long that it wants me. It says that it needs me. So much lust is involved that I start to hallucinate. And I am aware I am hallucinating because I know what the word crave feels like. I know how it feels to be lacking. To hanker for something you will decide in a nanosecond to surpass your judgment just to get insane relief. Aw relief. Even better. Sweet relief.

I see sugar standing there. It thought I was not noticing. So it started to shout. Then began to pout. I tried to be unaccessable. Why could sugar not do the same. It is the substance that makes my body tremble. Shall I close my eyes as I start to spasm inside of its hollow doorway. When I am in its arms it has complete power over me. Its the allergy I react to after I have already ingested it and wake up in the emergency room. Someone please oblige me in putting it into an unreachable realm!

My heart is affronted with the yearning for its fulfilling taste. The longing just to lick the smooth, gritty rainbow like substance once more. You too will want to bury your face in the navel of its syrupy goodness. But many hours go by as the sugars pour throughout my veins. Dancing and swirling inside of my body while my pancreas screams. Yelling at my kidneys to do something. Anything. It takes too long to come down after a sugar high. Would you give in to your own suicide. I do not desire to.

I claim innocence. I claim to not understand. But do I really? Do I continue to allow sugar to be my neighbor. I admit I have enabled it to hold my hand for 17 years. I ask you now if you understand. Do you understand how important it is for you to stand by me in my decision.

Will you please take this sugar down from its high shelf and occupy its attention long enough so I can kick it in the ass. Together we can create a defensive stategy. We can build a mechanism, a wall of blandness against this enemy of sweet treat threats.

Sugar I am not sorry I ruined your day. I hear your anguish. Stop shaking cute like. I am not taking you home. Pretending is only perpetuating a lie. It was once maybe all I ever knew. Sneaking in extra calories under the darkness of insufficiency and naivety. It does nothing for me now. There is no question on what I am sure of in my life. Move on over sugar you are being replaced.

I no longer lend my health to that which I wish not to be bound to. I am armed with acerbic strength. My cleverness out weighs my feeble hunger. My stamina can endure and over take this. I whisper to you, It is all in your head remember.

I give myself an autopsy of what I really need. I feel better already. Life is best without all those glittering granules anyways. These are not tears in my eyes. I know whats missing in my life. Its not dry skin and achy muscles, and toes that have no circulation. Blurry vision or numbness in the fingers. Fatigue, excessant thirst or nausea. It is sugar that aids these symptoms in happening. I know whats missing from my life. It is not sugar. Period.

Good bye feeling like crap. I have control.

Hello my name is Kate. I do not have diabetes. I live with diabetes.